But Love Poem by Mabel Akena

But Love

Rating: 5.0

kiss me, so I may kiss you back
so I may quench the memory of your lips on mine,
reaffirm your taste, feel the security of your embrace
the familiarity of your warmth
but love
love doesnot abide here anymore
for my heart has left its cavity to seek safety
where it can not be found
till the time when its tendrils, coaxed by the warmth of possibility
tease it back to its abandoned home
kiss me, so I may kiss you back
so I may lay my head upon your shoulder
hear your rhythmic breathing
in its, all to familiar sonnet as it warms my neck on its journey out
sends tingles down my spine
but love
love has no home here any more
for my heart has stopped its beating to seek safety
so it cannot be heard
till winters snow's pass and the sun's ray's
coasse it to dance in its warmth,

kiss me so I may kiss you back
so I may trace the lining of your face,
the familiar lines etched into my unconscious,
peck away the worries of the day
make the sadness go away
but love
love doesnot exist here any more
for my heart has metamorphosed to seek safety
where it can not be recognised
till the threat of war passes,
til the shouts of joy
jolt it from its guise.
So Kiss me, so I may kiss you back
but love,
love doesnot live here anymore
in all its familiar actions,
instinctive assumptions
neurological contributions
for my heart is not here anymore
for I have tacked it away where it shall never be found
till the storm has passed,
the torrent abated
til the sceptical hope,
that love can abide

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