Truth, The Real God
Not that we have made
Does not want a facade
Of the limited and narrow world that we parade
It asks for a mind rich in Innocence
That doesnt have a scratch of experience
A mind free from time
A mind free from grime
It wants a Being whose heart is Full
Rich, clear which does not get pulled
By jaded and petty eyesight
Just capable of intense feeling in all its might
Be sensitive with your nerves
Your eyes, your body, your voice, your ears
See the beauty of the tree, the smile of the child
The agony of the woman without a meal, the animals in wild
Unless you do, there is no intelligence
It doesnt come with knowledge or experience
Comes with sensitivity and observation
A mind rich in Innocence....
Beautiful T.O., you are one who displays this type of mind, Innocence, beauty and love for man kind.Well done!
Yes, T.O....The ask... from the Eye of God...Peace, Innocence, and HE has given us Free Will & Wisdom from HIS Word, to accomplish these virtues, in our livee...A very spiritually skilled work, my dear...A fine Penning, indeed... fjr
T.O. What does one say to this except write on......your truth caught up in such shorten verse is above profound and stated in the richness of thy mind there just is not enough tens for you on this one..................
This poem has not been translated into any other language yet.
I would like to translate this poem
Very nice.... One of those poems which cannot be responded to! Marvellous!