Can I Recover Poem by Randy McClave

Can I Recover

Rating: 5.0

Drugs control my life
But, so does sorrow, worries and strife,
Please don't tell me that I can be sober
As I wait for my life to be over.
Sometimes I take help in the arm
To protect me from fear and harm,
And when a fake reality I have chose
I then take it up the nose.
I will not ever lie to myself
Nor will I ever lie to anyone else,
In life I will not ever prosper or succeed
Those words you can truly heed.
I am a very selfish and a terrible person
I know around me my life won't get better, but worsen,
But, nothing you tell me will ever make me believe
That more worries and sorrows I alone do weave.
I think that I do deserve a good or better life
And not from a gun, or needle or a knife,
My path, by family and others has been spoken and predicted
I will always be addicted.
I wonder if my life will ever get any better
As to drugs I am a true debtor,
In the mirror as I look and think as I try to discover
Can I ever recover.

Randy L. McClave

Thursday, October 31, 2019
Topic(s) of this poem: drugs
Michael Hopkins 01 November 2019

You can if you truly wish to and will it and the help will come. You must believe this in your ver soul and prove all the others wrong. At least that is the way I see it. Either way, best wishes. A reaching out for help poem that was well penned.

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Kingsley Egbukole 31 October 2019

Drug addition poetically captured. Thanks for sharing. Please kindly check my poems HOPE and THE BEAUTY OF DEATH and leave your comments.

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Randy McClave

Randy McClave

Ashland, Kentucky
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