Can We Poem by suja nair

Can We

I saw her scream, I saw her suffer, I saw her fall and hurt herself,
She suffers all through, and there is nothing anyone can do,
Its her fate, some says, its her bad deeds others say....
What is it all about, Why is she alive at all.......

Sufferings all over, sufferings all about,
Was she born for that, was she born to suffer...
I ask God, Why, why is she ever alive
why has she to suffer, God why why why.....

Many a times I wonder, I ponder, what can I do,
Can I ever do anything, Can't god take her away,
Can't god reduce her sufferings, Can't he relieve her of her pains...
Why has she alone to suffer.......

At times I really ask, i wonder, is god really there,
Is he the super power, Is he loving towards the lesser ones...
Do I get an answer, am i convinced, am I.....
I ask my self these questions, and I get into deeper thoughts

May be I can pray for her, Pray for her sufferings to be reduced....
Will my prayers be answered, will she be happy, can she live a normal life
Will it ever happen, If not God just lessen her pain, just take her away...
Can it happen, can we do it, if god does not......

Can a human, or the law or a Doctor, or the Gods men....
Can any one in this world do a good deed and stop the pains
Of all those who suffer and live their lives, just give them the sleep...the eternal sleep, blissful sleep, a lovely dream..... Can we....

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