Begger Child Poem by suja nair

Begger Child

Rating: 5.0

I was very hungry, running from person to person,
Begging for a penny, begging for anything...
My morning started with a beating, Master felt I was lazy..
I just pray, God bless me with money, so that I can please
My master, I can evade a trashing...

I show a pathetic face to all the passers by...
Hoping and Praying within me, to give them a heart to drop in a penny.
I am dressed in the worst of clothes, to gain pity,
Its ages since I cleaned my self, for I have to earn, begging...

Many feel sorry for me; many get angry with me...
Some give me a penny, some just stare at me..
Some wonder may be...Why this child is on the road,
I look for something in every one's face..

I wonder where my parents are, why am I begging,
May be somewhere on the roads, I can find those eyes
Searching for me, some times I wish I could live a normal life
Like any other child..

Many a times, I wonder, was I stolen or was I discarded..
This thought gives me a jerk, and I feel lost,
Lost in my own world, of misery, God I only ask,
Give us all children on the road, a home,
A Home where there is only Love and no hardships.

Aditi Khandelwal 04 May 2012

Little children are forced to beg taken away from their parents. Poverty is the biggest devil known to mankind.. A great poem Aditi

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Veeraiyah Subbulakshmi 24 February 2012

I have observed the people who are begging for a penny on the streets of many developing nations. It is a very distressful sight, if the children tried to touch us and we avoid them for the fear of getting dirty. As long as our political system is dirty, we have to live with such scenes day and night.

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Dave Walker 24 February 2012

A great poem, really like it, a great write.

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