Catching Poem by Andy Brookes


Stealthy it comes out the shadows,
a stab in the dark or a shaft of shifting shadow.
it comes lightening fast, azure and prickling
with passion red or in brooding silence.
arrives with thundering heart beats
sounding like galloping feet,

it comes slowly creeping in the stillness of night,
insinuating slipping under the skin to tingle.
soft as rose petals, as light as breathless down,
it is madness, it is bliss, it is pain.

it comes to pierce leather hearts or tender,
it has no reasons and too many rhymes.
so much cliche written in volumes of tears
hearts broken by its thrusting spears
shattered pheromone driven dreams,
endocrine blood streams fatal attraction.

Thinking I had become immune
but I found love is like the common cold,
so easy to catch but never cured.

Monday, July 22, 2019
Topic(s) of this poem: love
Bri Edwards 16 August 2020

" insinuating slipping under the skin to tingle" & " driven dreams" ...i like alliterations! What COULD it be? i'm on the edge of my seat (almost) , breathless in anticipation, Andy. The last stanza is one to ponder. yes, love can come rather easily. i'm not sure of your meaning re " cure" , but there are times when i feel love ain't worth the complications.; ( my best to you, bri :)

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Kumarmani Mahakul 29 July 2019

it comes slowly creeping in the stillness of night, insinuating slipping under the skin to tingle. soft as rose petals, as light as breathless down, it is madness, it is bliss, it is pain......touching and impressive expression. This is a beautiful poem on love having a broad outlook. Thanks for sharing.

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Unwritten Soul 25 July 2019

The language and the subtle-ness u use in this poem really comforting, somehow i think the words have an image

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Jane Campion 22 July 2019

In love's grip it overcomes sanity. With its reason it seizes reality. An imaginative poem that becomes love that we know. Thank you for commenting.

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