Censorship Justified Issues Poem by Terence George Craddock

Censorship Justified Issues

censorship however justified
is sometimes a cowardly
part of the problem

freedom of speech
especially if unpalatable
can focus part of the solution

Terence George Craddock (Afterglows Echoes Of Starlight)
Copyright © Terence George Craddock

Thursday, April 23, 2015
Topic(s) of this poem: lifestyle
Original version of the split image 'Societies Censorship Phobias', by the poet Terence George Craddock. Written in April 2015 on the 24.4.2015. Topic: Censorship
Terry Craddock 23 April 2015

I am presuming this question relates especially to rampant terrorism in the Middle East escalating conflicts. Interesting question, how do we stop them fighting, we can't. Take religion for example. Back in 1989 while I lived in Istanbul Turkey, I was in the countryside with a friend and we passed through a village, where Muslims had worshipped together for hundreds of years in the same mosque. But they no longer worshipped together. They had separated into two main religious denominations in Islam, Sunni and Shia and refused to worship together. A new mosque was being built. The division between Shia and Sunni dates back to the death of the Prophet Muhammad, but it is a contemporary power struggle intensifying and spreading in the Middle East. This is a religious war within Islam, comparable to previous wars in Christianity between Roman Catholics and Protestants which lasted centuries and the Spanish Inquisition was famous for the cruelty of enforcing their radical beliefs. Now Islam is going through a similar conflict of ideology, their religious dark age. If the west was smart we would avoid the conflict. But no Saudi Arabia is Sunni and a major American and western ally. Wahhabism, the leading stream of Islam in Sunni Saudi Arabia is extremely anti-Shiite, which means the mystery behind conflicts in the Middle East, at present is revealed. Libyan leader Qadafi a Shiite, who advocated Shia Sunni unity in Islam, has recently been taken out, Libya was invaded Qadafi is dead. Now Syria is the conflict zone between Sunni and Shia. But the problem is while the West again backs the Sunni, Syria is in Russia's sphere of interest and both Russia and China are backing Shia allies. Historically major powers do not get involved in each others sphere of influence. The Metternich System agreed upon at the Congress of Vienna in 1815, was designed to keep the balance of power that existed in Europe after the end of the Napoleonic Wars. To keep major powers from each others throats. Thus the danger of the present Middle Eastern power keg, the West is playing in Russia's back yard, Russia will play in Europe's back yard expanding into the Urkaine and Syria will blow up in everyone's face. History has again shifted into major power escalation, Europe Australia and New Zealand are moving troops into the Middle East conflict, Russia will match the chess moves, as the heat is applied, even if West and East does not become intractable; expect ISIS probes into Israel after September 2015 or in 2016. The masters of war appear to have bitten off disastrous consequences this time. The west should have stayed out of the Middle East. The fall of Libya and Qadafi has left a power vacuum which haunts us all. Pray for peace.

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Douglas Scotney 23 April 2015

but how can we stop them from fighting so much, TGC?

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