Children, What's Your Hurry? Poem by Jim Yerman

Children, What's Your Hurry?

This goes out to the children of the world who can’t wait to grow up and drive a car
Or wear make-up, or act so much older than the child you truly are.

It’s one of fate’s ironic twists that children can’t wait to join man or womankind
While as adults we keep searching for the child we left behind.

As children we only have a few worries...we live a life of relative ease.
As adults we are saddled with the burdens of life and its responsibilities.

Oh adulthood has its wonders and its magic as many of you may surmise
but each step of childhood is to be’ll be an adult before you realize.

Children there’s something you should know...once you do become women or men
You never get the chance to go back and revisit your childhood again.

Once you leave your childhood in the past you might feel older, wiser and stronger
But you’ll look back on those innocent days and wish you’d have lingered there longer.

So before adulthood is upon you, before you become that older woman or man
I suggest you relish your youth and enjoy being a child as long as you possibly can.

Perhaps one of the worst things that could happen when the sands of time have gathered upon your shore
Would be to sit back and ponder this question, What was I in such a hurry for?

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