Cigarettes, Whiskey And Wild Women Poem by Gert Strydom

Cigarettes, Whiskey And Wild Women

Cigarettes, whiskey and wild women
can be a recipe for fun,
or for death on the long run.

Cigarettes are great to smoke
and some people say
that they stay slim
and that it does something
to calm the nerves
and as a boy I tried some
and decided not to make that thrill mine

Yet smoking people
smell awful and so does
every thing around them
while they dispose of their ash
without a care.

Tuberculosis or lung cancer is a terrible death
and to die slowly
out of breath is something
that I will gladly pass by.

a Girlfriend introduced me to Whiskey
which was great
and it was really something
to drink that fire water
between some kisses
and to feel the passions build,
but like a good woman
it should be taken
in adequate measures
or it will change you
and by its power
get rid of every thing you have.

Wild women may be really fun,
and sweet and really beautiful,
but the chance to get
a lasting or deadly disease
is the risk that goes with them.

Some guys sleep with every girl
that they meet and think of it
as something great and sweet,
and thrive in having a string of girls
at a time
and play and play again
and have a lot of fun,
since no girl is ever the same
in respect of personality, smell,
texture, body and sex.

One girl is hard enough to understand
and love,
and there is much more
to making love
than just to procreate
for recreation’s sake.

I read Anne’s poem today
and prayed,
to keep on the narrow way.

[Reference=Cigarettes, whiskey and wild, wild women by Anne Sexton.]

Gert Strydom

Gert Strydom

Johannesburg, South Africa
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