Coffee's Important Poem by anais vionet

Coffee's Important

Rating: 3.0

My roommates are all up and about. It's finals week and everyone is hustling about. Lisa came in from an early exam, it was snowing lightly, she looked right at home.
'How'd it go? ' I quizzed.
'E-Z, ' she replied, shedding her long navy coat and mango and cashmere beanie. After dumping it all on her bed she joined us in the common room. 'Blue State (coffee) is closing' She announced.
Leong gasped, 'What? '
'Three of the four Blue State locations are closing, ' Lisa confirmed, 'not Orange Street.'
'Why? ' Leong moaned.
'What are you why? Lisa queried.
'They're so popular! ' Leong exclaimed, 'There's always SO many people in there.'
'That's real, ' I chimed in, 'those places are packed and noisy.'
'They got bought out' Lisa attested.
'By whom? ' Leong wondered.
'By another coffee company.. maybe, ' Lisa guessed soothingly.
'Oh, I hope so.' Leong stated, sounding depressed.
'You know what? Lisa added, 'rumors were thick that Book Trader would close too.'
'No! ' Leong bemoaned.
'I'm happy to announce that they're not.' Lisa assured, 'That's something to celebrate.'
'I love studying at Book Trader.' I professed.
'And their bagels..' Leong mentioned dreamily. 'Oh, yeah, ' Lisa agreed, 'so good, so cheap.'
'Change is ineluctable, ' Anna sighed.
'WHAT? ' Leong replied, looking confused.
'Inevitable, ' Lisa told her, 'change is inevitable.'
'Then just say that.' Leong grumbled at Anna, who shrugged.
'I need to go support my favorite coffee shop soon, ' I declared.
'Which is? ' Leong inquired.
'Coffee with a K, ' Lisa and I blurted out, both at once. 'It has an intimate, date spot vibe, ' I explained, 'and the chairs that are perfect for putting an arm around someone.'
'The Benjamin and Acorn (two on campus coffee shops) are going to be so crowded.' Sunny stated, joining the conversation as she started putting on her shoes to go out.
'True THAT.' I agreed.
'Common Grounds Cafe, ' Sophie revealed, coming from her room, drying her hair with a towel, 'bought out Blue State, ' she confirmed. 'it was in the Yale News.'
'OK', I pronounced, satisfied. 'Perfect.' Lisa declared. 'Thank God.' Leong agreed.
'Coffee's important.' Sunny attested, picking up her coffee cup and book bag. 'See ya! ' she waved to the room absently, with her coffee cup, as she opened the door and stepped out.
Webster: Ineluctable: an unavoidable fate, inevitable.

A writing exercise to see if I could recreate a multi-person conversation, from memory, without using 'said' or 'asked.'

Tuesday, December 20, 2022
Topic(s) of this poem: university,conversation,teen,examination
Khairul Ahsan 22 December 2022


1 0 Reply
Kim Barney 20 December 2022

You used the word 'said' in the last paragraph. Weren't you trying to avoid using that? It's always fun to read your stories.

1 0 Reply
anais vionet 20 December 2022

Yes! That was too funny, I failed at the end. Of course, I fixed it later but it's so second nature to use it that I fell into the trap. Good catch Kim!

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