Common Is The Wanting Poem by Lawrence S. Pertillar

Common Is The Wanting

So common is the wanting.
Many have,
Without the performing of tasks.
Many rather sit,
With their wishes to get.
As if this is all it takes,
For their dreams to be delivered.

Few will take time,
To investigate or create opportunities.
With others to make them or alone to pursue.
Doing this is not as quick and easy.
When living a life,
Bombarded by temptations.
And samples to taste.
Sold to sell to eliminate the ingredients.
Those mix to fix to addict others well.
To know this is business.
Profiting to do.
Marketing their wishes and their dreams.
Proving what they do is reality made true.

Many hooked on TV and movies.
Believe this is life as is to live.
And they can not be faulted.
With something done seen,
Produced on these screens.
To then decide in seconds,
They can do the same thing even better.
Taking less time with it proven too!
Until they refuse,
To move with the proving of it.
Choosing to complain about the work it takes.
Or the criticisms heard to hear.
From those less empathetic,
Who could care less...
About one's effort to endeavor.
Or the years it takes,
And the end results to be revealed.
Just to hear it heard again and again,
"Is that all you have done?
Wasting your time.
When I can spend far less time,
To do what you've done.
With more who will notice and appreciate it."

-Thank you for your support.
And encouragement.-

That's what I do.
Encourage and support,
The ones in our community who produce.
Without us to do what we do...
How could you continue to feel supported? "

-Trust me,
The support I have been shown...
Has kept me motivated.
I don't know what I would do,
If I was not open to hearing criticism.
On a daily basis.-

"You don't have to tell me.
I am appreciative
Of the credit you give to me.
It's not necessary.
This is what I do.
And in the doing of it,
I am not alone."

-I know.
And to all of you,
I remain grateful.
I could not pay,
For this kind of incentive that motivates.-

Monday, April 1, 2019
Topic(s) of this poem: motivation
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