Competing To Top Their Anguish Poem by Lawrence S. Pertillar

Competing To Top Their Anguish

Discouragement is so overrated!
If someone chooses to be depressed...
Let them!
And leave them quick!
Unless it is recognized...
This is a temporary setback,
They themselves despise!
If it is realized as a momentary mood filler,
Wish them the best...
And give your mind some peace and rest!
Quicken your steps away from them!
Be cordial.
You never know,
What this movement might begin!

If you are willfully being selected,
By someone to deplete from you your goodwill,
Into a conscious baiting complete of drama overkill!
Awaiting to strip every remnant of your glow.
Along with a magnificence you began to feel and show...
Before this accidental encounter,
Begins to stir with a familiar flow.
It may be too late to back away slowly!
As the temperature set now,
Seeks ways to attract you to despair!
Go ahead...
Display a hint of caring!
And within minutes,
You will be competing to top their anguish!

People like that love to prove,
Those in a good mood...
Know little about life and disappointment!
When they have achieved
A shared shouting and screaming match...
That pleases,
With you...
Beginning to quiver lips and bare teeth,
As you attempt to unlatch from their point of view!
Teased with a treatment they pursued to indo!
Witness their eyes glisten with accomplishment.
And you...
Have provided their satisfaction!
And you...
Have now been prepared to attack!
Watch them sit back,
To revel in their deed you fed with ease!

x... x... 14 November 2007

This is a well written poem Lawrence leading to much thought on my part....What about those who really do have bouts of depression, the clinical kind, and despite their best intentions to stay 'up' still have their dark moments? Most tend to isolate themselves during such times and get through it that way but others may need the shoulder of a friend.. Do you think that is an exception or not? This poem really makes me think and realize that I do not have the answers....marci...

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