Conversations With Tesla Poem by Ray Lucero

Conversations With Tesla

The old grandfather clock on the living room mantle chimed 4: 00 A.M.
Awake but a moment, I rolled onto my side and went back to sleep.

A voice in the room said “Ray, are you still awake”?
Uh, yes I mumbled, just before I sat up in bed wide eyed.

In the corner of my bedroom I could see the outline of someone standing.

“Who are you? ”

The figure said nothing.

“Who are you? ”

In a low voice the figure answered, “My name is Nicola Tesla”.

“Wait just a minute; you died a long time ago”

“Death and time are subjective” he replied.

“What do you want? ”

“To speak to you about energy…unlimited energy”

“Why talk to me? ”

“Why not?

“Alright, so talk to me”

“I bring good news from the future”

“You died years ago and now you come from the future? ”


“So? ”

“Let me just say that mankind is in deep trouble”

“No kidding, tell me something I don’t know”

“As you know long ago I developed Alternating Current (AC) to help mankind use electricity to light up and power cities. After this I began work on transmitting electricity through the air over great distances, but my research laboratory was burned to the ground by your Government”

“Why? ”

“It was a matter of economics and business, as there was no way the utility company could make money from my free energy idea, so they shut me down.”

Tesla went on;
“I’ve come back at a critical time when wars are being fought over fossil fuels and when mankind is destroying air, water and world eco-systems. It’s time to re-introduce technology that will stop chaos and destruction.”

“Sounds grandiose.”

“Not really, just advanced science”

“Alright, so why are you telling me? ”

“Because you are one of many that care about planet Earth and that are willing to effect change through individual and collective action. By using the power of your computer, Internet access you can literally reach millions of people almost instantly.”

“This sounds great, but won’t they shut you down again? ”

“No, because the Government can no longer control mass communication, as the word will spread well before action can prevent our efforts.”

“How does this free-energy technology work? ”

“In order to understand this technology, one must delve into quantum physics along with personal intuitive abilities. Once fully activated the human mind can see, develop and build anything.
You see, one cubic foot of space is capable of unbelievable power. We have but to harness this power and transmit it to any place on earth through the air and through the ground.”

“Sounds dangerous”

“Not at all my boy, not at all”

“So when do we start? ”

“We’ve already begun by you listening, showing interest and a willingness to participate.”

“Sounds too easy.”

Tesla smiled, “Every journey begins with the first step.”

“So what’s next? ”

“First believe in the reality of free and unlimited energy, and then go within yourself with the intention of fully activating your brain and intuitive abilities.”
After this, I and others will speak to you as to how and when this will happen.”

Having said this, Tesla vanished.

I woke up later that morning asking myself, “Was the vision real or just a lucid dream”?

Before I could say anything, my wife yawned and turned toward me in bed and said;
“Honey, last night I had the strangest dream.”


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