Cornerstones Of Existence Poem by RoseAnn V. Shawiak

Cornerstones Of Existence

Rushing and capturing good feelings coming into being,
writing them explicitly into poetry.

Tapping out their beats musically without stopping or
resting, always finding an intellect of knowledge.

Taking it into this being with a quiet resilience,
portraying it in messages of life that have meaning
for self and others.

Looking and listening, keeping cornerstones of existence
in stairwells of an ever-climbing wisdom that will for-
ever be nourished.

Fulfilling an energy of mankind, always keeping minds
open to ingenuity with an appreciation of our individual
intellects while having introspection and a grasp of
perceptions and concepts.

Using them in helping humanity to progress into areas of
intense freedom and creativity.

Tuesday, February 10, 2015
Topic(s) of this poem: poem
Daniel Brick 10 February 2015

This individual poem could be the Preface of your collected poems over the past eighteen + months I've been reading. It would provide a prospective reader in depth with a framework in which to place the poems. And the larger purpose is well expressed in stanza 5 beginning FULFILLING AN ENERGY OF MANKIND. Your new reader will quickly grasp the significance of your use of the word INTERIOR to refer to what in this poem is called Introspection. There is also a visual image STAIRWELLS OF EVER-INCREASING WISDOM; it could also be a tower or a mountain; this is the parallel image of the mind, not the depths you enter toward interiority, but rather an elevation you climb up for a look outward, a vista.

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