Correct My Soul Poem by Gregory PierreJerome

Correct My Soul

Rating: 5.0

I am born again through Baptism
Jesus is his name and Father I call him
I am at the altar being prayed for
Preparation I did not receive before
In church I see and hear the unknown
As I wait to receive such gift
Again the enemy comes with an interception
I've been told that it is simple
All I have to do is praise and worship
I have to open my heart and let him in
I request the Holy Ghost
But I am not ready
My heart is open but my mine is closed
I am joyful at his presence
Even though I only see, hear, and believe
I will not give up because I already won
In the beginning my victory was given by Jesus
The Holy Ghost, I will receive!
Although I know I am trying to hard
In the hunt for the Holy Spirit I am seeking love
Just do not seek with doubt and hatred
My mind fights me at all times; it is a great warfare
I know that I won in Jesus name
So Lord, please correct my soul


He corrects, disiplines us, with love because He cares for us! Wonderful! So enjoyed.; D

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Nivedita Bagchi SPC UK 19 June 2010

My mind fights me at all times; it is a great warfare/I know that I won in Jesus name/So Lord, please correct my soul’…wow! Surrender unto Him and see the magic…poetry with vibe and virtuousness… Thanks sharing Ms. Nivedita UK 10/10+

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Malaya Roses 12 June 2010

May Lord will bless you more as time passing by. Art of religious words and inner-side of His follower. Good poem.

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