Cosmic Alarm Poem by Marieta Maglas

Cosmic Alarm

Rating: 2.9

Eons marked by uncertainty and imbalance,
novel models for our souls and minds,
flowers emerging from stone crevices,
the unconscious becoming aware,

the interconnectivity among the pieces of
this cosmic convolution, where Jehovah
reveals the Wisdom of simplicity in the mortal,
unexplored depths of knowledge, the cowardice

as an Indigenous, universal human reality on
the verge of extinction while losing the strength
to prevent the outcome, the synchronization of nature
with existence, a new era of unfathomable strictness,

human awakening, the highest and deepest dimensions of existence, Black Road or Xibalba Be, some energy changes,
the moment at its scriptural zero point, the complete expulsion shooting skyward, the Milky Way's nuclear bulge, the magnificent

waves, the cosmic alarm clock ringing in our minds, a period of change leaving seeds for the future, the spiral evolution, existing between two significant seconds with our thoughts in duality, teetering between the extremes of extinction and illumination.

Copyright © ® Marieta Maglas.

Sunday, April 18, 2010
Topic(s) of this poem: unity
Terry O'leary 23 June 2012

We may survive Xibalba Be, but we may not survive us... nice poem... Terry

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Anshul Gupta 31 August 2011

Are you a meditator? These words appear to come from deep meditation and contemplation. Your words are so universal and enigmatic. You appear to have realized the universal truth that you are portraying in your poems in different ways...all in all,10+ from me...

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Darrin Mcmiller Jr. 09 July 2010

That was an adventure! That was an amazing poem. I would love to be able to just sit in your thoughts and witness how you formulate your poems. This is one of the most abstract yet beautifully well placed poems I've ever seen. Your poetry is like a Picasso painting.

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Cosmic alarm, an awakening poem! Much truth portrayed through your pen here! Excellent; D

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Marieta Maglas

Marieta Maglas

Radauti, Judet Suceava, Romania
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