** Country Queen's Truck's And God ** Poem by James McLain

James McLain

James McLain

From Tampa Florida And Still Living Near By

** Country Queen's Truck's And God **

Rating: 5.0

Country Queen's Truck's And God

(Verse 1)
She's a sight to behold, like an angel on earth,
With eyes that sparkle like the stars' rebirth.
Her smile shines bright, a beacon in the night,
She's a country boy's dream, a heavenly sight.

She's a beautiful woman, a country man's dream,
With a heart as pure as a mountain stream.
She loves her trucks and her loyal hound,
Cracks open a cold one when the sun goes down.
In her heart, she keeps her faith in God,
She's the perfect mix of beauty and the sod.

(Verse 2)
Her truck's a Chevy, a beast on the road,
Roaring through the hills, with a heavy load.
She rides with the wind, her dog by her side,
A love for adventure she just can't hide.

She's got a honky-tonk heart, and a wild streak too,
But she knows when to slow down, take in the view.
She finds solace in nature, under God's wide sky,
In the warmth of a campfire, as the night draws nigh.

She's a beautiful woman, a country man's dream,
With a heart as pure as a mountain stream.
She loves her trucks and her loyal hound,
Cracks open a cold one when the sun goes down.
In her heart, she keeps her faith in God,
She's the perfect mix of beauty and the sod.

(Verse 3)
She dances with grace, under the moon's soft glow,
Her laughter echoes in the fields as she goes.
She's as free as the wind, a spirit untamed,
In her arms, all worries and troubles are tamed.

She's a beautiful woman, a country man's dream,
With a heart as pure as a mountain stream.
She loves her trucks and her loyal hound,
Cracks open a cold one when the sun goes down.
In her heart, she keeps her faith in God,
She's the perfect mix of beauty and the sod.

So raise a glass to this country queen we adore,
May her spirit soar high forevermore.
She's the epitome of all that's true,
A beautiful woman, and country through and through.

D.N. Rebb 08 June 2024

It's got everything a country song must have. And a great poem to match. Can't wait to hear it

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James McLain

James McLain

From Tampa Florida And Still Living Near By
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