Crazy Love Poem by iam anam

Crazy Love

Rating: 3.8

its been only few days i met you,
Though i feel that i have known you for long.
Every time i come through your eyes,
Got a crazy feeling that i wanna get along.
i am selfish to share you with the world,
just want u to be mine for life long.
Though sometimes i feel am i doing wrong?
But i am helpless with your love,
I believe love is all above.

Crazy Love
Tuesday, July 28, 2015
Topic(s) of this poem: crazy,first love,love,selfish
just for a girl to express the feelings.
Kelly Kurt 29 July 2015

The first sparks of love. Nicely done, Iam

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Ruby Mostazir 29 July 2015

Nice! Its always happens in love :)

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Iam Anam 28 July 2015

tnx for appreciation..i know very little about this art. It was just a try which takes 15 min to write.

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Allotey Abossey 28 July 2015

Love's a beautiful thing my friend. Good write. I kindly invite you to read my poem: STEALING GLANCES.

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Akhtar Jawad 28 July 2015

This is your first poem at PH and it's so beautiful that I was amazed. Well wrote Anam.................10

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