Cubist Poem Poem by Tom Billsborough

Cubist Poem

Rating: 1.0

Your eyes meet mine
Four lives combine,
Inside and out, you and me
Collide in chemistry.

Friday, December 16, 2016
Topic(s) of this poem: love
Annette Aitken 21 December 2016

What a great way to look at it, collide in chemistry, that sthe first thing we notice if we have any chemistry, then the rest follows suit. Nice one Tom ;) Annette

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Tom Billsborough 21 December 2016

In a sense we are looking at two people, the person we see physically and the person we feel. If the internal chemistry works it hands those rose-tinted specs to our outer self! Obviously other factors count such as a voice. I remember a friend telling me of one such girl, very attractive apparently but when she opened her mouth! He sort of rapidly lost interest! It's very complicated.

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Seamus O Brian 20 December 2016

I enjoyed teasing out the thought lines of the individual lives here, the visualization of chemistry of the heart vs. chemistry of the organism, etc. Compelling read, Tom, and presented in artistic elegance.

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Tom Billsborough 21 December 2016

Communication from different perspectives. but in a way I'm exploring my own roots which lie in that intensely creative period at the turn of the twentieth century in Paris with Mallarme, Apollinaire, Valery, Braque and Juan Gris. This is the first attempt. Whether it will lead anywhere, except into a blind alley, I'm not sure but I shall try!

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Paul Brookes 17 December 2016

The words are well chosen and it does give a image but I think the reader makes up their own mind what it is. It at first seems very simple but the more you reread it the better it gets It sort of transmutes itself and the the reader realises it is whatever the reader interprets it as. The writer may not have had this intention but hey sometimes I write stuff and people say about it entirely different things from what my intention was but then I suppose that's good. After all we have no control over our words once they are given their freedom and disseminated on the net Thanks for this it has given me food for thought Andy.The words are well chosen and it does give a image but I think the reader makes up their own mind what it is. It at first seems very simple but the more you reread it the better it gets It sort of transmutes itself and the the reader realises it is whatever the reader interprets it as. The writer may not have had this intention but hey sometimes I write stuff and people say about it entirely different things from what my intention was but then I suppose that's good. After all we have no control over our words once they are given their freedom and disseminated on the net Thanks for this it has given me food for thought Andy.

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Tom Billsborough 17 December 2016

You have made a good point there about control. I think my first intention was to compose a form ie first and last words rhyming with row below to give a sort of cube affect and marry this form to a poem about persepectives. I certainly didn't set out to write it as a love poem, which it is too! I think the rhyme controlled it, not me! I know what you mean about different interpretations too. I sometimes say: Inever meant that! But we forget that once the poem has been published it belongs to the reader too. They may in fact have picked out a meaning that was buried in your unconscious thoughts anyway.

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Tom Billsborough

Tom Billsborough

Preston Lancashire England
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