Darkest Thoughts Poem by Bryan Wayne

Darkest Thoughts

Rating: 5.0

Darkness and despair
Sickness and death
So many voices
Stealing every last breath
Haunted details of my past
When will this torture finally pass
I can't look in the mirror
Cause I hate what's inside
Counting down the day for when I finally die
Alone in life
Alone in death
How long do I have to suffer from the sins of the past
With no ending in site
I sit here impatiently waiting to see the light


Congratulations on POD. This poem is selected Poem Of The Day today the 22 February 2024

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Daniel Fivelsdal Wetaas 23 February 2024

A powerful poem. I hope you find a path towards true happiness, Bryan : )

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Dr Dillip K Swain 22 February 2024

Counting down the days.... hardly a few people think this way. A poignant poem.... liked it

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Sylvia Frances Chan 22 February 2024

Very heavy poem full of distress, but deserving 5 Stars, and Congratuealtions

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LeeAnn Azzopardi 22 February 2024

Bryan Bravo for sharing this wonderful poem

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Sylvia Frances Chan 22 February 2024

FIRST of all, Welcome to Poem Hunter Poemsite, enjoy your time being here wiuth creating poems.

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