De Schijn In Volle Zon.... Poem by Sylvia Frances Chan

De Schijn In Volle Zon....

Rating: 5.0

De schijn in volle zon....

altijd netjes
altijd duidelijk
altijd in een goed humeur
altijd vriendelijk en lief
altijd ordelijk en altijd een vriendelijk woord
altijd correct en... wat anders? !
Wie is hij?
Ik ben het zat!


Saturday, September 21, 2019
Topic(s) of this poem: lifestyle
Kumarmani Mahakul 21 September 2019

This is amazing! The outward appearance or apparent form of something of Sun-ray which is different than reality is still tidy, clear, kind and sweet, always orderly and always friendly. Then the importance of reality is felt well with greatness of great imagery. He is God who does all miracles in this changing world and in this minute verse you have glorified his name. God is our sweet father. His creation is very wonderful. This is an excellent poem.10

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Kumarmani Mahakul 21 September 2019

*The outward appearance or apparent form of something of Sun-ray which is different than reality is still tidy, clear, kind and sweet, always orderly and always friendly. Then the importance of reality is felt well with greatness of great imagery. He is God who does all miracles in this changing world and in this minute verse you have glorified his name. God is our sweet father. His creation is very wonderful. This is an excellent poem. *10

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Sylvia Frances Chan 22 September 2019

Thank you so much dear Master Poet Kumarmani Mahakul Sir. I do hope I deserve your compliments all the time.and I shall not disappoint you..Thank you too for your rich wisdom Sir in guiding me in my poetry. God´s Greatest Blessings! . Thank you for the precious 10.

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Sylvia Frances Chan 21 September 2019

altijd correct en... wat anders? ! Wie is hij? Ik ben het zat! Voetnoot: minuutvers Sylvia Frances Chan

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Sylvia Frances Chan

Sylvia Frances Chan

Jakarta, Indonesia
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