Dear, Back To Your Old Home Poem by Ayatullah Nurjati

Dear, Back To Your Old Home

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Your face takes off my existing idealism
Your words slightly faded my paradigm and my philosophy about this world
It's normal in life to always process like that
I just feel sorry for the fact that happened to you right now

But I can't because I'm blocked by one side
Your innocence has now transformed into something that is off the path of the heavens
It's natural that parents and closest people are always silent and unmoved by this fact—awareness comes later, dear, when the person we love has just gone.
I used to be like you, even worse. It is natural that in the world of philosophy, everything is universal, whether it is Communism, Liberalism to Humanism, Atheism, Religious centric or other isms that are clearly infatuated with being adopted by various groups from commoners to statesmen. I can't deny that when I have to return to my old house where I grew up, you will feel the same way later.
I really can't bear to see you like that, but so am I, in the past I was impressed by a lot of inciting pious people to jointly abandon idealism with me. Now what I found that they Return back to their old home too. There is a strong foundation that must remain in position without having to be eroded by tidal currents of sea water as well as stakes that plunged into the earth.

If I ignore you let alone let you be like that then I will feel guilty but if I act you will feel hurt and think that I am not who you are
I used to be because I swallowed whole what I learned through discourses and practitioners in book texts without digesting and chewing with heavenly teeth and fangs
Profanity is still profanity, hereafter affairs are not as obvious as I used to think like that. But there is a way for me realise to God rein even though it is very difficult this Hijrah path is getting more and more difficult to follow but that is the struggle Back to my old house and I want you do too my dear

To the politicians in my country, get back on your way properly. Please go back to your house. Help your poor people with your useful spurs, Don't be rich alone
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