I'm dedicated to the cause
just show me which way to go
I'll do my best in everything
that you do put me to
I believe in you and all that you say
You speak to me in truth
You give me clarity on life
I am strong when I follow you
Now give me orders, I'll obey
You make much sense to me
My talents to create an atom bomb
are at your disposal today
I even know my chemistry
In this I'll show you true
Just show me the way you want me to go
Because I believe in you
I know the truth, they all have sinned
They've tarnished our right to be free
They tried to make us follow them
Like puppets on a string
So wiping those men from the earth
Will even up the score
Just say the word and it is done
My life I give to you
(Just playing with a concept of the blind following the blind when it comes to justice, truth, honour, and of course, ignorant stupidity)
This poem has not been translated into any other language yet.
I would like to translate this poem