Here is a message I want to share with you
A message I hope you will like
To all who do read, this is the first
I have shared on this site to all of you
I am blessed by God to meet you all here
To read of your heart, thoughts and dreams,
And share of my own through the words you will read,
With guidance from the feedback you give.
Now techniques I don't bother and neither with style
I just write what does come when I type
Counting the syllables or the meter or rhyme
Are all fine if your talent's that way
But mine is not so, which is why I will write
However my heart, spirit directs.
Messages and images are how I do read
And so too, is how I do write
So I hope you will like when I share mine with you
For I'm sure to enjoy yours as well
So thanks to all and blessings as well
To all I will meet on this site
Whanganui, NZ 2008
A message very well shared. Poetry has no limitations. Nice start. Welcome on board!
A very nice introduction and message from a humble person..true to say no one is perfect and thats why we need an input from others, in that way you can improve if something is missing or need to be is better of two heads than one as we say... welcome and Good Luck..
Wonderful introduction. Penned beautifully how we would expect people to co-operate with us when we are new to someone or something, how we can l learn from others, how we can help each other and improve ourselves, the talent within us. This poem is from the heart, from innocence. Words fail for the humbleness in this poem. A million Exellent's won't work. This poem is beautiful. Keep writing.....
beautiful write..........nice message to share......... liked it.... ;)
Your poem reflects the goodheartedness of oneself with a message that one should express in words whatever comes to the mind without any hesitation. One should outpour the feelings and emotions without considering oneself non-creative or an incompitent because putting your thoughts in words frequently makes you percieve things from different angles and your vision broadens with the passage of time and diversity knocks your door with loads of new visions. So keep writing....10 Best Wishes Sameer
Best to be the poet you are and not the one others want you to be. A great philosophy you have there, and I look forward to more of your work...Jeff.
A great piece there Kelly Rhime, style and what have you can come later if they will but here is what is true content has primacy over form just write as musch as you can andsay hi to enevery one at home I'm watching this space to be always the first to know what has come from you after the great introductory one.
simply awonderful introductory message of goodwill and grace, that inspires me by ur poetic muse unequalled, may God lead u with His kindly light as you trudge though this jouerney of poetics yet with glory and fame, i do adore and admire humble flow from a true soul.....10+++++, thanks for sharing
This poem has not been translated into any other language yet.
I would like to translate this poem
what a sweet introduction...welcome to the site!