The pain inside burned deep in my heart
leaving a scar that wouldn't heal
It felt like a poker stabbed deep inside
twisted and turned to make the hole bigger
Hot searing coals were then poured into it
giving forth a foul stench in the soul
How can this be with a heart that was pure
A heart filled with love to respect and adore
What was the sin that deserved such a plight
was it the beauty of skin or the smile in the eyes
Did it come from the kindness given to all
or was it the caring and sharing of soul
Could it be the sweet song that rose from the lips
or the musical dance that came from the hips
Whatever it was, it just had to stop
for the pain in the heart just let out a loud pop
Maybe the answer was to do what was wrong
for everything good caused hatred to come
Degradation, devastation, oppression, submission
these are what came from the one filled with love
Now misery is walked, anger, resentment too
a negative look at life is the reward received
And then the Lord looked down and saw His child
His tears fell to earth as His hand stretched out
And the pain in the heart did ease up and stop
and was filled up again with a hope to help cope
All that was past has gone, not forgotten
for the lessons in them have made a better person
a great poem..lovely instrospective flows well and rhymes..A10
Beautifully written and loaded with heartfelt experiences..10+
A poem with a strong message that a person learns from the happenings in the life...The ecstacy of love is not good always....But still with pinching past one should always be hopeful and never practice the past experience again....10 Best Wishes Naseer
was it the beauty of skin or the smile in the eyes..................excellent exposition of heart within, quite awe-inspiring, the humble words spruce up the skin of grace, wroght ingenious bedecking the essence of humanism through the imagery, world when at the crical criss-cross, wellpenned,10+++++
a great poem, i felt like you were speakng to me. ur a very good writer!
This poem has not been translated into any other language yet.
I would like to translate this poem
This poem is excelaaaaant! These were the type of thoughts and ideas that i was trying to dig up and bring forth to the poem of love tat you've ead of mine. You just did it so much better with great imagery. Way ta go! I hadda give ya a tenner here, only because u deserved it so well. God bless all poets-MJG.