Depression [no Way Out] Poem by Nomfundo Mtsweni

Depression [no Way Out]

Rating: 5.0

Demons of darkness
Have always been there
They were just silent
Waiting for me to fear

They gave me an agenda
Through my love Eaulenda
Through my near
and dear one's

Their evilness prevailed
Their musk fell
All self hate arose
Giving life to a new soul

All hopes died
All dreams perished
Depression sealed my fate
And gave me self hate

It held my real soul captive and
threw the key away
I shared laughter and held my screams
Because it had stolen my dreams

The constant pain I feel
When the sun goes to sleep
There's nothing I do except to weep

Like a small spring
My emotions seep
My pain is deep
My heart is ripped

During the day these feelings
are almost so unreal
How I wish these demons
were surreal

They cannot be seen
but they are real
This is not how I've been
Because pretence is who I am

During the day I laugh, I play along nice
During the night I cry, I hurt
and the pain arise

This pain is hard to explain
The pain in my chest
Gives me no rest
Internal rest could be the test

Demons of darkness
Have always been there
They were silent
Waiting to make me fear

Painting every room within me
With dread and got me caged
With pain and got me changed
With moods and self hate

A B Faniki 06 August 2019

Elegant piece and quite a iamagery u have painted. Keep it up and thanks for sharing

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