Devil In A Tree Poem by Juan Olivarez

Devil In A Tree

Walking through the chaparral,
I saw the Devil in a tree.
Sitting on a limb whistling bird calls,
Staring with his yellow eyes at me.
His cloven hoof was dangling free.

Come down Old Scratch I called to him,
Lets have a word or two.
His angelic face was twisted grim,
As the bird he sought just up and flew.
The snarl on his face, just grew, and grew.

Don't test me boy be on your way,
My dinner I must catch.
If you don't leave you'll rue the day,
Because I've never met my match.
Your puny soul I'll quickly snatch.

Then he looked at me with his yellow eyes,
And his nostrils blew forth smoke.
Then I heard a million agonized cries,
And I knew he didn't joke.
On my own tongue I began to choke.

Well I'm no Charlie Daniels I will confess,
And I can't play no fiddle.
And the courage I thought I did possess,
Had become very little.
My mouth was lacking spittle.

So I tipped my hat and I lit out,
As fast as I could go.
'And don't come back' I heard him shout,
As he turned into a crow.
He's still up there for all I know.

10/5/11 Alton Texas

Vipins Puthooran 07 October 2011

Wow, wonnderful fantasy here....good write and an excellent poem

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