Different Nessie (Part Two) Poem by Annette Aitken

Different Nessie (Part Two)

Rating: 5.0

Loch Ness Monster

Along the shores of the highland way
the loch ness monster is said to stay
with every wake the water leaves
its got to be the monster fleeing.

With every dram of whiskey taken
you'll Shirley see the monster swimming
a duck may wade across the loch
oh look! its Nessie, oh no! it's not.(hiccup)

A fish will jump to catch a fly
oh look its Nessie gliding by
no matter what the eye might see
it's not the loch Ness monster, (believe) .

The loch ness monster if you agree
comes out at night for you to see
a dram of whiskey pass your lips
a wee partake in a little nip.

For sober eyes tell in the morning
the loch ness monster was only taunting
the man he smelt of whiskey lips
he knew he could have fun with this.

The loch ness monster drives folk wild
is he real or even alive
the thoughts could drive a man insane
looks like it's whiskey time again. (hiccup)

Different Nessie (Part Two)
Thursday, August 4, 2016
Topic(s) of this poem: humorous
Different side of nessie....
Anthony Burkett 03 February 2017

To Inverness I have been a regimental pub within I stayed with pints and friends so keen tho with my eyes I have not seen so real the tales of her splash and slither I must confess I beg to differ! (hiccup) ... ;)

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Edward Kofi Louis 15 August 2016

'Is is he real or even alive'? Thanks for sharing this poem with us.

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Tom Billsborough 11 August 2016

What a perfect way to view our Nessie. A whisky in both hands. Mine's a single malt, Annette. A very funny poem. I'll raise a glass to you and Nessie (hiccup) Tom

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