Do You Know How It Feels? Poem by Loyd C Taylor Sr

Do You Know How It Feels?

Rating: 4.5

Do you know how it feels to receive a gift?
But, do you know how it feels to give one?

Do you know how it feels to have a good friend?
But, do you know how it feels to be one?

Do you know how it feels to enjoy true love?
But, do you know how it feels to give it?

Do you know how it feels to discover joy?
But, do you know how it feels to bring it?

Yes, we all know how good the getting feels,
But, do we truly know how it feels to give?

Saturday, May 17, 2014
Topic(s) of this poem: friendship,suffering,support
I try not to be selfish, but I know that is one of the weaknesses in mankind. We often are busy trying to get, to make a deal, to find a bargain, and sometimes in the process we take advantage of other. I wish to live my life helping to meet needs and learning the joy of giving. Jesus taught us it was more blessed to give than receive. Surely he had a reason for this teaching. I hope the poem provides something to think about. The repetition is for emphasis. I hope you enjoy, Loyd
Roseann Shawiak 24 May 2014

It is better to give of yourself than to take from others. I heartily agree with your sentiments here. Thank you for an enlightening blessing!

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Darlene Walsh 19 May 2014

A very nice and very true poem. It is good to remember giving as much as receiving.

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Fatima Nusairat 18 May 2014

Now I know :) thanks for sharing

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Tadasha Tripathy 17 May 2014

A very realistic and interesting one. It made me think many think that I never think. Thanks

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