A Rainbow Is... Poem by Loyd C Taylor Sr

A Rainbow Is...

Rating: 5.0

A Rainbow is…

An undeniable natural beauty,
Appearing mysteriously,
Seven colors of grandeur rare.
Light touching droplets in the air,
From earthly showers or water spray,
Opposite the sun, observed at day.

Arrayed in brilliant colors glow,
Canvassed as a beauty bow;
Red, orange, yellow, green,
indigo, blue, violet, all are seen.
A sign of God's mercy we know,
Since earth beheld the first Rainbow.

Rainbows are

Not reproducible by mortal man,
Created by our Maker's hands;
As breathlessly we stare,
A masterpiece, none can compare.
More than treasured pots of gold,
All this and more in the Rainbow.

© Loyd C. Taylor, Sr.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Topic(s) of this poem: acrostic,nature,rainbow
When I wrote this poem in 2008, I started with an acrostic and it grew into a much more extensive poem. In my original, I have several colors worked into the letters as well.
I do hope you enjoy it,
Loyd, the simple poet.
David Desantis 25 April 2008

a extremely well thought out and beautiful description of a rainbow. Excellent as always. I'm really starting to like your work.10/10

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Abha Sharma 26 April 2008

a nice prismatic poem bathed in rainbow.....showering blessings and love...beautifully composed...

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C.R. Clark 29 April 2008

A great write, my friend. What a wonderful description of God's beautiful and colorful gift. Thanks. Richard

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Original Unknown Girl 06 May 2008

Stunning write, you've captured everything a rainbow is (and more!) No one could create anything more magnificent with their bare hands and you conveyed this perfelctly in your poetry. God's work reigns supreme. HG: -) xx

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Mamta Agarwal 21 July 2008

Loyd, how beautiful. you have captured all the rainbow symbolises.10 my friend Mamta

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Kaila George 30 May 2014

I never tire of looking at a rainbow, its beauty majestic, and the reason why it is there to remind us as to why we are grateful for everything around us, it is a second chance to live upon this earth that was given to us in faith by our lord God, how can one not love it...and each colour a shade of life here on earth...wonderful write.

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Lucinda Nightsilver 19 May 2014

very nice the imagery was great. all the words you described the wonderful object such as the rainbow rang true. I enjoyed this poem

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Bonnie Collins 18 January 2009

So much imagry here and also so very true, thank heavens... Rainbows are the very special treat from mother nature to us..... This is a beautifull write... Bonnie

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Such a lovely thought provoking poem...a happy 10

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Raj Nandy 10 November 2008

This is a great poem! Like the Aurora borealis, the rainbow is an exquisite work of God's art! Thanks - from an artist, - Raj Nandy

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