Does Wonder Woman Wear A Wonder Bra? Poem by Michael Gale

Does Wonder Woman Wear A Wonder Bra?

Does Wonder Woman wear a wonder bra? ...
Or is she flat and not well endowed? Nah!

Can Superman be super fast like a fast movin' jackhammer in the sack? ...
Could Wonder Woman survive such an unsuspecting bedded attack?

Could Superman be a daddy? ...
Could his love juices escape his well musclled state of invulnrable
unpenetrational a body as had he?

Could the Flash out perform the man of steel? ...
Would the Flash be the real sexually attractive every woman wanting real deal?

Would or could the She Hulk get it on with the Incredible Hulk? ...
Would the bed survive the shaking or would everyone around swear that there was a typical Californian earth quake?

Could the She Hulk stay seated in the Hulks own lap? ...
Or would she be easily moved from his thunderous hand movemented clap?

Why did Superman keep his secret identity undiscovered while wearing only a tie and eye glasses? ...
Were they all just unobserving dumber of classes.

Would Superman be like the invisible man while seated in Wonder woman's invisible plane? ...
Would there be left behind by these two super heroes an after sex invisible stain.

Well, i guess that there is a real good invention as autopilot...
Would the super pair get high on dope while flying high in the sky
you know they'd be really well lit.

Would not the pair be visably seeable while having sex while being naked in her plane? ...
Would she survive the super speeded pain?

You might say they'd be visibly embear-assed...
Then on the nightly tv news they'd be forever sexually and reportedly harr-assed.

Michael Gale

Michael Gale

Chicago Illinois/Oklahoma City.
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