Don't Give Up Your Guns Poem by David Welch

Don't Give Up Your Guns

They say you don't need one for self-defense,
that this no longer is the ‘Wild West, '
and we should leave such things to the police,
just sit and wait for them, that would be best.
But when seconds count, sitting and waiting
will leave a person well and truly screwed,
and oh, by the way, the courts say that they
have no obligation to protect you.
Some would rather you die then fire back,
they had so little respect for the one
you've a natural right to defend your life,
so don't you ever give up your guns.

They say don't worry about your family,
it is no longer your job to protect them,
delegate that duty off to the state,
which you should know is your greatest of friends.
And though that friend might not be there the night
you have to watch your own daughter be raped,
it's better you don't kill that ‘troubled soul, '
it's much more ‘moral' to let him escape.
They would explain away his felony,
use his sad upbringing as a bludgeon,
only you can defend those close to you,
so for God's sake, don't give up your guns.

They say you will never need such weapons
just to go out into the woods for deer,
as if the threat of antlered cervids is
the type of threat that free people should fear.
They expect us to forget the lessons
learned back in seventeen seventy-six;
that the state is necessary evil,
and can become too corrupt to be fixed.
Though the mere thought of such a circumstance
does not strike any sane person as fun,
the option must always be in our hands,
so we can't ever give up our guns.

They will laugh and say in the modern day
that such notions no longer will work,
militaries have become too advanced,
it's big machines that will cause all the hurt.
But I think of Vietnam and Iraq,
the great trouble that 'mere' guns did cause,
and those were people united for evil,
not for liberty and the rule of law.
Imagine what true patriots can do,
and the British, they have seen it done,
we must always be armed and ready,
so you can never give up your guns.

We just have to look over to Europe,
slowly being overrun by Islam,
ruled by governments that hate their own people,
with ideas more ruinous than any bomb.
And those who would dare stand up for themselves
Find thev're no real means of fighting back,
they lost all their weapons, then lost their speech,
and find themselves heading down a dark track.
Increasingly wracked by terrorism,
and dominated by modern-day Huns,
grand, old cultures are now facing the axe,
since they foolishly gave up their guns.

It's the number one move of great tyrants,
they always seek to leave people disarmed,
playing to emotions and claiming that
they're just doing it to ‘prevent more harm.'
But no fool school-shooter could ever match
the sheer carnage of a Joseph Stalin,
they want to leave you defenseless and scared,
make it impossible for you to win.
They fear nothing more than facing the wrath
of true liberty's daughters and sons,
to be free we must be ever vigilant,
and we can never give up our guns.

Wednesday, July 10, 2019
Topic(s) of this poem: america,freedom,guns,how i feel,liberty,political,rhyme,rights,truth
Julia Luber 11 July 2019

Resonates with passion while being intellectively informed; truly getting at/creating a heart of America with such keen insight and bold shameless honesty. Another great poem by David Welch! Reminds me of some fundamentals on a consistent level.

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