Dreaming Of Angels Poem by Kewayne Wadley

Dreaming Of Angels

Over by the lake in thought, I sat and I pondered.
Wondering of a love that would wash my sins away.
To be made a new in such a drenching sensation.
To be bathed in the ways of a beating heart.
With every smile, every word spoken.
I feel that she's near, Over by the lake in thought.
I would give anything to confess such profession.
My body; a nibble of bread in her everlasting thought.
Baptized in the blink of her eye.
Should the wells of her eyes ever dry I'd refill them with whatever tear I can provide.
To what tide do I offer such communion.
To find myself awaken in her eyes.
Every smile that flourishes across her face.
To imagine heaven with every step that she takes. The way the sun caresses her face,
Would this be considered blasphemy,
Becoming one with every breath that escapes her chest, caught by my lips.
This euphoric happening of any time, any place.
This mental elation, elevated with each throb of her heart.
I sit and I ponder,
Would she believe such testimonial.
The fear of an dream ending too soon.
Struggling to go to sleep and place myself where I saw her last.
With words unspoken
The total embodiment of total surender

Monday, June 6, 2016
Topic(s) of this poem: faith,for her,longing,love
Kewayne Wadley

Kewayne Wadley

Groton, Connecticutt
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