Cloud In The Sky Poem by Kewayne Wadley

Cloud In The Sky

Rating: 4.5

Light shades of blue covered by shades of white,
Holding out my arms, knowing only the thought of you.
Embracing the warmth given through the day,
Still it cannot compare to the warmth you provide.
Bidding all my time until the next time i'm in your presence.
There are plenty of reasons to close my eyes, Pretending to fly.
But one that means the most is that.
You've become the reason I pray more. Constant whispers that echo in thanks.
Transcending through an open door that was once closed.
As I've only dream't of days like this.
The opening of your arms, the caress of your lips.
The peering of the sun peaking through the clouds.
Accompained by deep shades of blue and white.
An infinite light given by the gift of your eyes.
A slight whisper seen in the rays of the sun.
Indentions that have become small humps in the clouds.
A tender caress surrendered by the kindle of your embrace.
I find myself floating in the cloud of your thought

Wednesday, May 27, 2015
Topic(s) of this poem: love,sun
Christina Simmons 16 February 2017

When we're in love it is like floating on a cloud until it all goes sour. Beautifully put together!

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Tom Allport 16 February 2017

a poem of lovely feelings and intentions, well written.

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Tom Billsborough 16 February 2017

Content fine. Need to check your rhythms though. Halting in places.

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Bernard F. Asuncion 16 February 2017

A slight whisper..... congrats on being selected....

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Edward Kofi Louis 16 February 2017

Shades of blue! ! Thanks for sharing this poem with us.

1 0 Reply

What a poem on love! So different. Exquisite. " tender caress surrendered by the kindle of your embrace. " wow! Myfav

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Bharati Nayak 16 February 2017

There are plenty of reasons to close my eyes, Pretending to fly. But one that means the most is that. You've become the reason I pray more. Constant whispers that echo in thanks. Transcending through an open door that was once closed. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Lovely lines of your romantic dream, thanks for sharing.Congrats for being chosen the Poet of the Day.

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Clarence Prince 16 February 2017

There are plenty of reasons to close my eyes, pretending to fly. plenty of reasons indeed!

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Kim Barney 16 February 2017

That last line is terrific, a great ending to the poem. Congratulations for having this selected as poem of the day!

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Ratnakar Mandlik 16 February 2017

floating in the cloud. Nice conceptualization. Congrats on member poem of the Day.

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Kewayne Wadley

Kewayne Wadley

Groton, Connecticutt
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