Dreams Of Jasmine Poem by Monti Chaudhury

Dreams Of Jasmine

Rating: 5.0

I am a common girl

With a lovely name as Jasmine,

My name symbolizes sweetness, purity and esteem.

I love the world I live in, Which is my world of dreams.
My world of dreams is wonderful and serene,

Lucky are the people who have a bed to sleep in and time to dream.

‘Dreams come to everyone,

What is so special about it? ' asked my friend.

Yes, I said, dreams are very common.

They come without any effort or investment.

But they vanish too like a bubble.

When sleep bids good-bye,

People forget them in the flash of an eye.

My friend said 'you are an insane'.

I replied yes I am.

And I love to be called the same.

I love what comes out of my insanity,

I feel happy when people praise my creativity; My dreams, too, are a part of my imbecility.

My pals often call me stupid;

My mum calls me immature;

My husband criticizes me and says what a fool you're.

He makes fun of my unmindfulness,

But I am thankful to my forgetfulness;

Coz I get a chance to forget all bitterness.

I try to forget the negativities,

But remember the lessons that life teaches me. Thankfully I don't forget my dreams

I tie them tight with hopes extreme.

In my dreams, nobody disrespects me,

Nobody calls me an insane,

Nobody laughs at my forgetfulness

Or enjoys from my pain.

In my dreams, I live my life the way I want, Sans worries and meaningless flaunt.

There are poets who write poetry on dreams,

Describing all exuberant, lively and wonderful things.

But my words are not so extraordinary,

Neither superfluous nor filled with glory.

They are as simple as me

No decoration, no smartness but only modesty.

My poesy is like a balloon occupied with more and more words,

Each word struggling to adjust in a small world;

Expanding the size of my balloon of thoughts.

My dream is also like the balloon

Filled with numerous hopes, sung in a melodious tune.

In my dreams, nobody shouts at me

No man forces to get intimate with him.

No fatherly figure says, ‘you are not a part of our kin'.

‘You're as good as a guest,

You do no household work neither you invest'.

No lady says, ‘you are not fit to be a bride of this house'.

No mother says, ‘you are a bad daughter as you don't follow the rules of the house.'

I am the weaver of my dreams.

In my dreams, I see-

A man who holds my hands tight,

And promises to love me day and night;

Without intimation but only conversation.

Without insults, but only trust.

Without demands but only love.

A man who loves my heart and not my body shape,

A man who values relationship, more than anything else.

A man who is my strength and accepts me as I am.

I see a father who says, ‘there is no law in our relationship,

You are my daughter and I proudly take your guardianship'.

I see a lady who doesn't find mistake every time,

She says, ‘you're a super mother, working out is not a crime'.

A lady who says, ‘to this house, you have no contribution,
Yet we feel happy to have you in our celebration.

You don't cook food for your in-laws,

Still we are happy to accept you with your flaws.'

I see a mother who says, ‘no rules for you my sweetheart'.

Who gently strokes my head resting on her lap and fears to depart.

I see a father who feels proud to have such a daughter,

Who says, ‘ I promise to be by your side in all plans and matters.

In my dreams I fly high, high up to the sky,

Holding my balloon of thoughts in my hand

And shine in my eyes.

Allow me to sleep,

Let slumber stay disguised.

Let no one awake me from my dormancy,

Let no one shatter my dreams and ruin my world of fantasy.

Monti Chaudhury 16 June 2018

Thanku readers for reading my poems and commenting on them.

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Chinedu Dike 13 June 2018

A free flight of creativity on winged imagination. Beautiful narrative piece written with clarity of thought and mind. A lovely poem indeed. Thanks for sharing Monti and do remain enriched.

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Amit George 11 June 2018

Wow,creative and simple which gives a touch of life...we bloom in your dreams and never fade :

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Dr Antony Theodore 11 June 2018

I love to be called the same. I love what comes out of my insanity, I feel happy when people praise my creativity; My dreams, too, are a part of my imbecility. Let no one shatter my dreams.. , , a poem of determination. very poetic. phantasy... tony

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