Dress Up A Kiss Which Hopefully, Will Result In Largesse In My Direction Poem by Gayathri Seetharam

Dress Up A Kiss Which Hopefully, Will Result In Largesse In My Direction

Dress up a kiss which hopefully, will result in largesse in my direction
-Gayathri B. Seetharam
If Marilyn Monroe and Jane Russell as did Nicole Kidman in later years, sang:
A kiss on the hand is quite continental
But diamonds are a girl's best friend
I say:
A long kiss on the lips is positively sentimental
But a wedding ring is a girl's best catch
I also say:
A kiss on the cheeks is definitely elemental
But a contract for a job is an engineer's best outcome;
I must confess that a kiss is what my tresses
Say must not be less than the actual act of lovemaking
And a miss and a miss-us like kisses;
Woe betide a damsel
Who reveals the secrets of the heart
And talks of stolen kisses to her husband
For then she would become a damsel in distress
And it would be bad for the heart for it would cause stress;
But a stress ‘alleviare' is a love poem to the press
Sent off with great expectations of seeing it in print
And consoling oneself that there is physical love
With one's beloved and resorting to more making of art and literature
Which speaks of sexual exploration and discovery.

Unnikrishnan E S 24 May 2018

Hi Bipasha, Loved this odd ode to kisses. If all those kisses severed from Indian movies are moved together, they could move the whole universe with love..

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