Dressed For The Occasion Poem by Lawrence S. Pertillar

Dressed For The Occasion

One step made to move forward,
And away from a known quicksand...
Is the best advice one can give to another,
Who believes sinking into a pit with others...
That refused opportunities to be rescued,
But repeatedly told...
It takes effort and motivation to recognize benefits,
With a leaving behind old habits and addictions.

A togetherness unified in an ignorance,
Eventually results...
In a deepened mental sickness.

So difficult it is to relate...
To those unaccustomed to listening to comprehend,
That requesting assistance to escape from a pit...
Is what most will describe as self-determination.
And Is not the same thing as,
Awaiting for decisions to be made by others promising...
Each one dipping slowly in quicksand,
Will be granted their wants and wishes...
Of getting prestigious jobs and equal pay with bonuses.
And one day...
All of their dreams will be fulfilled.

I'm kinda confused.
Should I or should I not,
Express my unity by joining the others...
Sinking in quicksand? '

Some of us rushed here to pull them out.
But they refused.
Because we did not come dressed for the occasion.~

'That makes no sense.'

~And that question you have just asked of me,
Does? ~

'Yeah. In a way.
You don't look like the ones,
I've seen on TV.
You know...
The ones with the boots and cowboy hats.'

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