Dusty Gold Poem by Josey Alfred

Dusty Gold

Rating: 4.8

Give us this day our daily bread,
And free us from burden, too hard.
Dusty gold drew and destroyed men!
And made fool of much mighty men.

Alexander the great took half the world!
All wealth and might was in his hold.
He gathered it all through his life,
And made it last, till end of life.

His call came then, too soon, urgent!
No one could stop or postpone it.
And was the call for his return,
His hands open to dark cavern.

He lay there just without a soul
Who strove hard with his soul, too cool!
Who had no pity or compassion!
Now wait for worms to feast on, soon!

So one might grab world in his hands
And try enforce, his wealth or mind
Yet, he has no check on his fate!
Will just be dust, at exit gate.

Sunday, March 1, 2015
Topic(s) of this poem: greed
Madathil Rajendran Nair 01 March 2015

There is a common string of thought between this and your poem She Vanished which I read and commented upon yesterday. You can sing marvellously on human follies and foibles.

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Kumarmani Mahakul 01 March 2015

Grabbing world in one hand makes this entirely wonderful poem shared. Very nicely drafted poem shared really.

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Josey Alfred 18 March 2015

Yes. Sir, thank you very much. We are aware that greedy men make life miserable, and many innocent People are put to hardships,

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Josey Alfred

Josey Alfred

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