Easier Said Than Done Poem by Jim Yerman

Easier Said Than Done

Of all the compassionate but feeble words I could list to help make one's apprehension stop…I believe I'd have to place ‘Don't Worry' at or near the top.

For whenever love opens a door into our heart…how often do we find…
as joy and happiness enter…worry isn't far behind.

Take parenting for instance…we worry when our babies are sleeping
we worry when they crawl…we worry if they'll ever walk…
then we worry they might fall.

From here our worry never stops…
no matter how old they are…how independent…how strong…
wherever they choose to go in life…our worry tags along.

And the more we love…the more we worry…
of this I have no doubt…
children, grandchildren, friends, pets…our Earth
these are all things we worry about.

How is it possible, you ask, to worry about so many things at the same time…
this is the answer I have found:
When t comes to worry…it's a lot like love…there's more than enough to go around.

It's not that we worry all the time…we don't
It's just once love has entered in…
It doesn't take a whole lot…for our worry to begin…

Worry is like a dolphin…it never really sleeps or takes a break…
Even when one eyes is sleeping…the other one's awake…

So keep in mind when you tell someone, ‘Don't Worry'
These words…most likely…they will shun…
Because when it comes to those we love…
‘Don't Worry'
will always be easier said…than done.

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