Election. Poem by guy lipmore


Each party promoted and appealed,
Promising a different deal.
Each vying for your votes,
Trying to ‘guarantee’ your hopes!
Debates, interviews, chat shows,
Candidates trading blows!
All the bluster and rhetoric.
Using any ploy or tactic.
Appeasing the peoples gripes,
With nice words and ‘sound bites’.
All parties going through the gears,
Playing on the peoples fears.

Statistics in the endless opinion polls,
All using them to further their goals.
Trying all manner of tricks to influence,
Political broadcasts of ‘truth’ and pretence.

Each spouting their policies on any given situation,
Trident, conventional defence, wars of intervention…
Doctors, nurses, National Health and privatisation,
Welfare reforms, bedroom tax, benefit deduction.
Transport issues, railways, prices at the petrel station.
Minimum wage, ‘living’ wage, zero hour regulation.
Housing shortage, affordable homes, rented accommodation.
Europe, referendums, controlled immigration,
Austerity, deficit, interest rates and inflation.

Same old left versus right wing,
Balance, the centre party try to bring.
Once fringe parties gaining ground,
More and more seem to like their sound.
So called far right and left and the SNP,
Greens, UKIP, and Plaid Cymru.

When all stations close and votes are cast,
Who will be first past the post?
Who will have the most seats, red or blue?
If no one has overall majority, what will they do?
Who will get in to ‘bed’ with the minorities?
Pre election, ‘No deals’ by the major parties
All manner of predictions and permutations,
Various shades of power sharing coalitions,
Predictions of another ‘hung’ parliament,
Will we have another coalition Government?

Questions, answers will have to wait,
For the outcome and the nations fate!
Weeks of campaigning, one day to go,
A seemingly unrelenting political show.
Politicians have almost had their say,
See what happens after Election Day.


Tuesday, May 5, 2015
Topic(s) of this poem: politics
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