Establishment And Media Moguls Poem by Akhtar Jawad

Establishment And Media Moguls

Rating: 5.0

Caws of crows in the talk shows,
Someone before whom the whole nation bows.
Establishment a name of God?
My submissions with a nod!
But the meaning! Laughed at the crows.

Establishment And Media Moguls
Saturday, July 28, 2018
Topic(s) of this poem: media
Meaning of Establishment in Pakistan by Wikipedia
The terminology is used in Pakistan to describe the cooperative federation of the powerful military oligarchy; it also asserts its role as a consolidated intelligence community. The idea of Establishment is no different from "The Establishment" in the United Kingdom.
The Establishment's sphere mainly consists of the country's high-ranking civil servants and military officers. Others included are senior members of the Judiciary, the most important financiers and industrialists and the media moguls. The Establishment in Pakistan considers the key and elite decision makers in country's public policy, ranging from the use of the intelligence services, national security, foreign and domestic policies.
Meaning of Oligarchy by Wikipedia
Oligarchy (from Greek ὀλιγαρχία (oligarkhía): from ὀλίγος (olígos) , meaning 'few', and ἄρχω (arkho) , meaning 'to rule or to command')is a form of power structure in which power rests with a small number of people.

Meaning of Media Moguls by Collins English Dictionary
A media proprietor, media mogul or media tycoon refers to a successful entrepreneur or businessperson who controls, through personal ownership or via a dominant position in any media related company or enterprise, media consumed by a large number of individuals.
Mahtab Bangalee 30 July 2018

Talk Show through the beat of clock (For them) dumb round table has been blocked now this decade God created for them so they started all (in veiling) with God name! ! ! ! ! ! ! ///// excellent satirical withing allegorical writing

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Red Soul 30 July 2018

It's pretty much the same everywhere, with a bunch of people ruling the majority, exploiting them and ruining the very spirit of democracy and freedom. A wonderful poem Mr Jawad. Thanks for sharing.

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Rose Marie Juan-austin 29 July 2018

A great satire on media moguls. When media is controlled by a few, there is a tendency of breaching the freedom of speech and suppression of the truth. A write intelligently penned.10++++

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Khalida Bano Ali 29 July 2018

I agree the experts sitting in a talk show are like the crows.

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Rajnish Manga 29 July 2018

Read with the Poet's Notes, this limerick, though penned in a lighter vein, is a bold and powerful commentary on the Polity and the Establishment (in its larger than life picture) . Thanks, Akhtar sahab.

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