Facebook Addiction Poem by Frank Adie

Facebook Addiction

Rating: 5.0

We are all captives of this book,
This addictive called facebook.
We are fellow inmates within its walls,
We are all prisoners, we are Zucker's thralls.

We have been made suckers to facebook,
Everyday we must drink from its brook,
Even at the wee hours of the night,
There is always someone on that site.

Our best companion is now our phones,
Because we have facebook in our genes,
Visiting facebook is our daily to-dos,
We have become facebook aficionados.

When we worry we are becoming addicted,
For a few days we have it relegated;
Sooner or later as if it is caffeinated,
We return to it fully habituated.

This addictive called facebook,
Is a highly dependent "mind-hook";
It has not only captured out faces,
It has also captured our minds.

Facebook Addiction
Wednesday, August 29, 2018
Topic(s) of this poem: addiction,facebook
Naila Rais 03 September 2018

Yah! It's true now technology has made human prisoners....this Addiction affects health and progress in one's field...10 and more.. Thnx so much for sharing... You may like to read my poems and express your views too..... Naila

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Kumarmani Mahakul 01 September 2018

This addictive called facebook, Is a highly dependent mind-hook; It has not only captured out faces, It has also captured our minds.........so touching and true. Really we are adficted in mobile phone as well as in Facebook. It is not easy to leave it. Dear Frank, you have astutely inscribed this in your poem that may bring wareness among the people. Thanks.10

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