Falling Tears Poem by Reba Hurt

Falling Tears

Imagine a tear. In some situations you dont have to emagine a tea. You see them falling.Happy times or sad times you see them. Sometimes you dont want to see them but you do.Even though you dont want to wipe them away many people try to make you.

Imagine a tear. Knowing when i get home he wont be ther. Tears beging to fall. Seeing him in the hospital hurts.Wishing he would get better. Too many thoughts of negative outcomes. Holding back tears or letting them fall. Which do i do. Will I ever get to see him again. Tears of worry. Tears of sad. Why doe he have to be the one sick. Why the one I am closet to. This cant be happening. I miss you daddy.

Imagin a tear. Sitting at the computer.Reading quotes.Reminding me of the person I'm texting. Tears of happy. Tears of joy. Both begin to fall. I send them tot he person. Recieving his reply back. Bringing a smile.Bringing tears of joy to me. Knowing it made him happy. Hearing about his smile. Making me happy. Seeing tears of joy makes my mommy happy.

Imagine a tear.Thinking of the time we spent. Loving someone but being heartbroken. You knowing its forbidden.Still you are loving them. Crying and wishing. Tears fally and you lying. Lying to frineds. Lying to family. Scared to say how you feel. All you do is see tears falling. Scared for advice. Scared they knowy. Tears falling. Scared to go to school. Scared of rejection. Scared to get close to someone.Thinking about all these times. Bringing tears to the eyes. Why do tears fall. Scared to show them so they fall any way.

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