Familiar Voice Poem by Ace Of Black Hearts

Familiar Voice

Hearing that voice again brings back so much from the past.
Oh the relationships that didn't last.
Holding my breath till the final gasp.
Loves many faces under a single mask.
No matter how sweet, in the darkness I retreat.
Waters wet and deep.
As a vampire with your blood our memories I drink.
A temper on the brink.
A flame extinguished or is it just asleep.
Our we all just waiting for next leap of possibilities?
Hearing that voice again brings back so much from the past.
Oh the relationships that didn't last.
Hold my breath till my final gasp.
Loves many faces under a single mask.
I know how hard this is to grasp.
After all I'm either sleeping upside down or standing up.
With lust once again I fill this cup.
The wine in which I can never get enough.
Trying so hard to not think of you, just leaves me more empty.
A hollowed out tree rotting from the ground up.
Words stuck on repeat.
A taste in my mouth so bitter.
A letter that no longer needs delivered.
Too late, too far gone.
Hearing that voice again brings back so much from the past.
Oh the relationships that didn't last.
Holding my breath till final gasp.
Loves many faces under a single mask.
Tears turn to frozen glass hung in mirror forever to look upon you.
Reminding you of everything your not.
Inside and out.
Screaming in silence.
Wishing for more than an abstract science.
A heart folded, molded, and beholden.
Oh wishing for something so golden.
As the eyes start to glitter you know it's already stolen.
She had key and licked her lips as she swallowed it.
A dark smile casts shadows in too many directions.
How do you find the one that is actually real?
Plagued by uncertainty.
Hearing that voice again, hearing that voice again...
Can it really, can it really be...?
Holding my breath, still holding my breath.., still holding my breath...

Saturday, April 29, 2017
Topic(s) of this poem: life
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