Feathered Friends Poem by Ruta Mohapatra

Feathered Friends

Rating: 5.0

Round the year
A flock of pigeons appear
On our wide rooftop
For the sprinkled pulses and rice

Some healthy as bonny babies
Shiny eyes and smooth feathers
Pink legs and round bodies
Lovely shapes and proud gaits

Some other with broken wings
Broken limbs
Injured eyes
Broken threads trailing behind

Tell tale signs
Of the threats they have faced
Of the bond they have broken
Of the attacks they have survived

To them I throw a little more rice
And pray God
To make them whole again
To set their wings right

But nature has its own plans
Most of them never return
Some, after a few more visits,
Are never seen again

They are the ones I miss most
Among the black and grey flock
They are the ones that build their nests
In some corner of my heart

Wednesday, June 20, 2018
Topic(s) of this poem: birds
Dr Dillip K Swain 23 September 2021

Please read as: my poetic soul. Full marks for this beautiful poem.

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Dr Dillip K Swain 23 September 2021

I love pegeons! Poetic soul is instantly transported to the spot you have put spotlight. A magnificent poem

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Anil Kumar Panda 22 June 2018

One of the best poems I have read recent times. 'They are the ones I miss most Among the black and grey flock They are the ones that build their nests In some corner of my heart '..shows how your heart is overflowing with love for the birds. Thanks for sharing.10++++

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Chris Embrick 21 June 2018

A beautiful poem revealing your kind heart. Thank you Ruta.

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Kumarmani Mahakul 20 June 2018

For birds setting of wings is important. With proper growing of wings they can fly very well. These birds come and go. We may not see same birds once more in next visit. In some corners of heart still they remain in affection. We miss them but still we hope to meet again. This poem is natural and very sentimental. This is excellently penned...10

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