Finding Happiness Poem by Joseph Blitch

Finding Happiness

'Finding Happiness'
Yellowing pages curl as history flexes and bends.
With tangled stories and lives our mind we defend.
Life remedies by our kinfolk we have been told.
Folklore we have woven tightly within our soul.
On earth’s venture all life’s learning in soul we tote.
Each new moment seems to bring unfamiliar notes.
With a passion for peace within a confused mind,
We retrace our path hoping a better song to find.
Don't mind what others may do or what they say,
Take some time alone in nature admiring today.
Each moment is perfect as it comes from above,
Showering each of us with an unconditional love.
Be silent and still, clearing the mind of every thing,
Then we shall hear the daughters of music sing.
They play and sing for each of life's special song,
Healing our soul of ill will, making our mind strong.
Then we may dream walk right into the spirit plane,
Where we may relieve ourselves of grief and pain.
Though our mind may sometimes wander so far,
Happiness is a state of mind right where you are.

Monica Rose 10 December 2009

I absolutely love the rhyming. Keep up the fabulous work =) ~Monica Rose

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