Font Color='#ff00ff''To My Friend April'/Font Poem by Geovanni Leaño

Font Color='#ff00ff''To My Friend April'/Font

Rating: 4.1

.....................It'sSoAmus.........'You Are My
................ingHowLittleThis........8th World
.............WorldIs, ThatTheWo.......Wonder...'
............rldLeftThisSpecialPlac.........-April F.
.............eForUsTwo, NowI'm
....................yFriendAtLe.........ast, A
..............too, NowEveryMor...ning
..........IWish..ToDropY..ouBy, A'
..........mileI....nside, And
..................esSigh..., Won.....By:
................sWayI.......nside, I
Fast, NowIWriteThisPoemForAGreatFriendLik
eYou, AndAlthoughWeBothKnowThatTimeRu
nsSoFast, TheMelodyWeHearWillAlwaysRema
in, JustLikeOurFriendship, WeWillAlwaysRemain.

Danielle Refer 22 April 2008

this is a cool poem and the fact that it is shaped like a person is awesome! ! ! !

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Troy Clark 22 April 2008

Very nice poem you have here. Very creative!

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Joseph Cross 22 April 2008

This is more than poetry. It is literally a work of art. To put a poem in this form is brilliance. I love it.

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Paige ... 22 April 2008

Aww. Thats amazing! Thanks for directing me to it. =]

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Cristian Dolon 22 April 2008

Amazing. No other word places it better... So then, I rate it a ten! Good show amigo!

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Emancipation Planz 25 June 2009

Geovanni... This is so Yay! .... Tis been ages since I visited your quirk on cleverness, aroha, Deana

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Ivor Hogg 19 August 2008

cleverly construcred concrete poetry I aplaud your ingenuity

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Ryan Camansa 14 July 2008

Waah! Swerte ni april friend kanya. Nice poem! keep it up!

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Sara Neame 01 May 2008

This is great. I love the way you have arranged the text. It does make it a bit difficult to read, but that doesn't matter. It helps the reader to concentrate on the words and the meaning. Well done!

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Howard Johnson 24 April 2008

Art work and words married, a excellent show of creativity, gave it a 10

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