Fool's Gold Poem by Oleg Vorobyov

Fool's Gold

Rating: 5.0

In searching for some valuables untold
Your find sometimes is a fabulous fool's gold.

Who is the fool: who hid or who retrieved?
Who is in gain, and who is then bereaved?

You know what is trumpery, what's bluff,
Yet fall for this unprecedented stuff.

The gloss bears no aura of sterling
And brings you neither interest, nor earning.

Look: yonder in the coruscating fold,
Vaunts that illusionary fabulous fool's gold!

Friend, see, what glitters may not be the one,
Once you have into such deception run!

Sometimes, true gold is what you may leave out
Like silver lining hints in every cloud;

Like burnished steel, yet valuable to use;
Like modest hearts, yet ready to enthuse;

Like humble deeds which never resonate,
Like deeper feelings never to abate!

To ward off lures, you should look around
To find true values, virtuously crowned!

Monday, July 2, 2018
Topic(s) of this poem: illusion,value
All pretences, all alleged values may prove misleading as they bring man nowhere like fool's gold. It is not all gold that glitters. True, pure gold is what makes you and your environmenthumane
Mahtab Bangalee 02 July 2018

wonderful every couplet- goodly penned and good poem like to quote one of couples Like humble deeds which never resonate, Like deeper feelings never to abate!

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Oleg Vorobyov 02 July 2018

Sincerest thanks for likking the piece! Well-penned when your heart is intoned by true understanding of the matter. I composed it just a week ago hesitating to promulgate, now I see that I have hit the bull's eye!

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Practicing Poetess 02 July 2018

This is a veritable GEM of a poem! No Fool's Gold here! :)

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Oleg Vorobyov 02 July 2018

Thanks, dear sharer! I grant this gem to everyone who really wishes to see the truth, not vain dazzle!

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Bernard F. Asuncion 02 July 2018

Oleg, such an outstanding write👍👍👍

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Oleg Vorobyov 02 July 2018

Thanx for encouraging and appreciation!

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Kumarmani Mahakul 02 July 2018

Like modest hearts, yet ready to enthuse. Humble deed motivates others not the gold. An amazing writing is shared with wonderful rhyming thin this poem...10

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