For You, I'Ll Sing Poem by Allysyn Bryant

For You, I'Ll Sing

My heart is breaking, in pieces it falls
Yet then again, here I am falling, Falling in Love
He hurt me, and is still burning me, a scar he leaves
But you, You seem to heal this heart of mine
It's an amazing thing in my mind
When there was no one else there, you were
I wish I could give you all I have, but I can't
Not when he still has a hold on me
You say I sound like an angel when I sing
So that's what I'll do for you, I'll sing.

For You, I'll sing
I'd sing day and night, if you asked me to
I just that there was some way
That I could Prove to you, my love for you
We've both been hurt
You're afraid to love, and I assure you
You're not alone, I am too
So tell me, How do I prove to you, that I love you?
These aren't lies, or tricks, I'm not being fake.
I only hope that you will forgive me, for being split in two
Yes, I might still love him, but Babe....
He's my past, you're my present,
And, hopefully, my future too
But til the day I can give you all of me...
I'll sing. For you, I'll simply sing.

September 12th,2008

Dislocated Heart 16 September 2008

Wow, Thats one lucky guy... Very beautiful poem... Well writen too. Great job!

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