Fragrance Of Love, Fragrance Of Tea Poem by Henry Tong

Fragrance Of Love, Fragrance Of Tea

Rating: 4.9

I see love as a pot of tea
placed in the floor of bamboo vale.
Its scent floats to the farthest sea,
but humbly stores in nature's tale.

Neither pungent as instant coffee,
pressing tastebuds to accept
nor insipid as purified water,
disinterested to reject-

It starts fresh, ends rich.
It milds bitter, leaves sweet.
It boils tears and troubles
into a rising aroma of steam.

If promises hold dear, it never dies.
The scent never fakes, though it flies.
If water is tainted, then dancing leaves
shall clear it out and start again.

Time selects the best leaves to green
Nature ensures the best water to drink
Patience wakes the coupling to see
a pot of tea, a pot of beauty.

Such tea I sip, is a long-living life.
Every taste of it becomes vibrant.
I see love as a pot of tea,
the puriest of all, bright and deep.

Wednesday, February 14, 2018
Topic(s) of this poem: love,nature
Dr Antony Theodore 17 October 2018

Such tea I sip, is a long-living life. Every taste of it becomes vibrant. I see love as a pot of tea, the puriest of all, bright and deep. a love of the tea comapred to love life.. i like to sip it........ a loving and long-living life...... a fine poem and very much new in presentation. tony

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Britte Ninad 29 May 2018

discovering of love goodly I see love as a pot of tea, the puriest of all, bright and deep. nice 10+++

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Chinedu Dike 23 February 2018

It's a beautiful analogy. Your insight into the nature of love is impressive and your power of expression, great. Thanks for sharing Henry and do remain enriched.

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Henry Tong 24 February 2018

Thank you, Chinedu, for your encouraging comments!

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Dr Dillip K Swain 17 February 2018

It's a lovely poem that perfectly suits to the occasion of Valentine Day's Week! Loved reading it.

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Henry Tong 17 February 2018

Thank you my friend! I can't wait to appreciate your poems!

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Vladimir 14 February 2018

this is a perfect description of love! I like it!

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Henry Tong

Henry Tong

Beijing, China
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